Elementor Vs Divi: Best WP Page Builders [15+ Key Differences]

Elementor Vs divi

When I started learning WordPress back in my college days, I learned that there are many WordPress Page builders out there. I wanted to know which one I should choose in terms of my knowledge of building websites as a newbie. 

But with time, I began to understand that each of these page builders has some pros and cons. The most I had heard of among these page builders were Divi and Elementor. And I started to think about which one would be my go-to plugin.

Then, I started working with them and found that both are great designers. However, as I excelled in the industry, I started to learn that there are many other things that I need to focus on as a designer or as a WordPress developer.

In this guide, I am going to discuss Elementor vs Divi in-depth, which one you should choose, and the pros and cons they both have in terms of other important things like speed, SEO, and more. 

So, let’s dive in and look at which one wins.

What are WordPress Page Builders

WordPress page builders have revolutionized the way websites are created, offering intuitive drag-and-drop interfaces that empower users to design complex layouts without coding knowledge. These tools have become increasingly popular, with Divi and Elementor emerging as two of the most prominent options in the market.

Why Do You Need a Page Builder?

Page builders have become indispensable tools for WordPress users, offering a myriad of benefits that streamline website creation. These powerful platforms enable visual design without coding, allowing users to craft complex layouts through intuitive drag-and-drop interfaces and real-time editing. 

The time and cost efficiency they provide is significant, with rapid prototyping capabilities and pre-designed templates that drastically reduce development costs.

Flexibility and customization are at the forefront, with responsive design controls and global styling options ensuring a consistent, professional look across all devices. Page builders enhance functionality through easy widget integration, dynamic content capabilities, and seamless e-commerce features for WooCommerce users.

They improve user experience with faster loading times and interactive elements while offering SEO benefits through clean code output and mobile optimization. 

The extensibility of page builders, with their add-on ecosystems and API access, allows for continued growth and customization. By democratizing web design, page builders like Divi and Elementor empower a wide range of users—from entrepreneurs to small businesses and content creators—to create sophisticated, functional websites without the steep learning curve traditionally associated with web development.

What is Elementor?

Elementor is a widely used WordPress page builder plugin that was launched in 2016. It quickly gained popularity due to its user-friendly interface and powerful features.

Critical features of Elementor

  • Live frontend editor
  • Responsive design controls
  • Template library with pre-designed blocks and pages
  • Widget system for easy content integration
  • Theme builder for creating entire site layouts
  • Dynamic content capabilities
  • Pop-up builder
  • Form Builder
  • WooCommerce builder

Elementor has free and pro versions. The free version offers substantial functionality for basic website design needs, while the pro version unlocks advanced features and design elements.

What is Divi?

Divi is a versatile WordPress theme and page builder developed by Elegant Themes. Launched in 2013, it has since become one of the most popular website-building tools in the WordPress ecosystem.

Key features of Divi

  • Visual drag-and-drop builder
  • Responsive Editing
  • Global elements and styles
  • Built-in A/B testing functionality
  • Extensive library of pre-designed layouts and elements
  • Inline text editing
  • Custom CSS control
  • Role editor for team collaborations

Divi operates as both a theme and a plugin, giving users flexibility in how they implement it on their WordPress sites. Its visual builder allows real-time frontend editing, making it easier for users to see changes as they make them.

Key Differences Between Elementor Vs Divi

When comparing Elementor and Divi, several vital differences emerge in their approach to website building. These differences primarily revolve around their user interface, ease of use, learning curve, and editing capabilities. Understanding these distinctions can help users choose the page builder that best suits their needs and workflow preferences.

User Interface and Experience

Elementor’s interface is known for its clean, minimalist design. The main editing area occupies most of the screen, with a narrow sidebar on the left containing widgets and settings. This layout provides a distraction-free editing experience, allowing users to focus on their design.

Elementor uses a section-column widget hierarchy for structuring layouts, which many users find intuitive.

Divi, on the other hand, offers a more comprehensive interface with floating panels that can be moved around the screen. The visual builder presents options in the context of the element being edited, with settings appearing in pop-up boxes.

Divi’s interface is more feature-rich out of the box, which some users appreciate for its all-in-one feel. In contrast, others might find it initially overwhelming.

Both builders offer inline text editing, but Elementor’s implementation is often praised for being more seamless. Divi provides a unique feature called “wireframe view,” which allows users to see the structure of their page without visual distractions.

Ease of Use

Elementor is often easier to use for beginners due to its straightforward interface and widget system. The process of adding and arranging elements on a page is straightforward, with clear visual cues for placement and spacing. Elementor’s consistent approach to styling and editing across different elements contributes to its user-friendly reputation.

While still user-friendly, Divi has a slightly steeper initial learning curve due to its more comprehensive feature set. However, once mastered, many users find Divi extremely powerful and flexible. Divi’s right-click options and keyboard shortcuts can significantly speed up the design process for experienced users.

Both builders offer undo/redo functionality and revision history. Still, Divi’s implementation of these features is often considered more robust, allowing for more granular control over changes.

Learning Curve

Elementor typically has a gentler learning curve, especially for users new to page builders. Its widget-based system is intuitive, and the consistent interface across different elements means that once you’ve learned how to style one type of content, you can easily apply that knowledge to others.

Divi’s learning curve is slightly steeper due to its more comprehensive feature set. New users need more time to explore and understand all the available options. However, Divi offers extensive documentation, video tutorials, and a supportive community, which can help flatten the learning curve.

Both builders benefit from large user communities and extensive online resources, making it easier for users to find solutions and learn advanced techniques.

Front-End and Back-End Editing

Elementor shines in front-end editing, offering a true WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) experience. Users can edit their pages directly on the front end, seeing exactly how changes will appear to visitors in real time. This approach is particularly beneficial for design-focused users who prioritize visual accuracy during the editing process.

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Divi offers both front-end and back-end editing options. Its visual builder provides a robust front-end editing experience similar to Elementor’s. However, Divi also maintains a back-end builder, which some users prefer for more complex layouts or when working with large amounts of content.

The back-end builder can be faster and more efficient in specific scenarios, especially on less powerful devices or slower internet connections.

Both builders allow for responsive design adjustments, but Elementor’s approach is often praised for its intuitiveness. It offers easy-to-use controls for different device sizes directly in the main editing interface.

Both Elementor and Divi are powerful page builders, their differences in user interface, ease of use, learning curve, and editing capabilities cater to different user preferences and workflow styles. Elementor appeals to users who prefer a streamlined, widget-based approach with a focus on front-end editing.

At the same time, Divi attracts users who appreciate a feature-rich environment with both front-end and back-end editing options.

Performance Comparison

When comparing Elementor and Divi, performance is a crucial factor to consider. Both page builders have made significant strides in optimizing their code and reducing their impact on website speed. However, there are still noticeable differences in how they perform under various conditions.

Page Speed on Fresh Websites

On fresh WordPress installations, both Elementor and Divi show relatively good performance, but there are some distinctions:


– Typically loads fewer assets by default

– The free version is remarkably lightweight

– Initial load times are generally faster than Divi


– Loads more features and assets out of the box

– Initial load times may be slightly longer due to the comprehensive feature set

– Offers built-in performance options to mitigate impact

It’s important to note that a fresh installation with minimal content only sometimes reflects real-world usage. As more elements and features are added, the performance gap may change.

Elementor Page Speed

Elementor has made significant improvements in recent versions to enhance performance:

– Modular loading: Only loads necessary CSS and JavaScript for used widgets

– Improved asset loading: Better management of when and how assets are loaded

– Optimized database queries: Reduced impact on server response time

– Lighter weight: Especially noticeable in the free version

Key performance metrics for Elementor

– First Contentful Paint (FCP): Generally fast, often under 1 second on optimized setups

– Largest Contentful Paint (LCP): Can vary but often achieves “good” scores in PageSpeed Insights

– Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS): Usually minimal, contributing to a stable user experience

Divi Page Speed

Divi has also focused on performance optimizations in recent updates:

– Dynamic CSS generation: Reduces CSS file size by only including used styles

– Improved JavaScript loading: Better management of script loading and execution

– Built-in performance options: Includes features like minification and lazy loading

Key performance metrics for Divi:

– First Contentful Paint (FCP): Can be slightly slower than Elementor, but still often under 2 seconds

– Largest Contentful Paint (LCP): May require more optimization to achieve “good” scores consistently

– Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS): Generally well-controlled, especially with recent updates

Performance with Optimization Tools

Both Elementor and Divi can significantly benefit from additional optimization tools and techniques:


  1. Caching plugins: Works well with popular caching solutions like WP Rocket or W3 Total Cache
  2. Image optimization: Benefits greatly from image compression and lazy loading
  3. CSS and JavaScript minification: Further reduces file sizes and HTTP requests
  4. With optimization, Elementor sites can often achieve 90+ PageSpeed scores


  1. Built-in performance features: Includes options for minification, lazy loading, and more
  2. Third-party optimization: Still benefits from additional caching and optimization plugins
  3. Critical CSS generation: Can significantly improve First Contentful Paint
  4. Optimized Divi sites can also achieve high PageSpeed scores, often in the 80-90 range.

Comparative analysis with optimization:

1. Page load time: Both can achieve sub-2-second load times with proper optimization

2. TTFB (Time to First Byte): Generally similar, more dependent on hosting than the page builder

3. Google Core Web Vitals: Both can meet thresholds, but Elementor often edges out in LCP scores

4. Mobile performance: Both perform well, but Element’s lighter weight can give it an advantage on mobile networks

Key Takeaways

– Out of the box, Elementor tends to have a slight performance edge, especially the free version

– Divi offers more built-in optimization options, potentially reducing the need for additional plugins

– Both builders can achieve excellent performance with proper optimization

– The performance difference becomes less significant as more complex designs and features are added

– Hosting quality, image optimization, and overall site structure play crucial roles in performance for both builders

While Elementor may have a slight performance advantage in default configurations, both Elementor and Divi can be optimized to create fast, efficient websites. The choice between them should consider other factors alongside performance, such as ease of use, design flexibility, and specific project requirements.

Features and Functionality

Both Elementor and Divi offer robust feature sets, but they approach functionality in slightly different ways. Elementor focuses on a widget-based system with extensive customization options, while Divi provides a more comprehensive all-in-one solution with built-in features.

Modules and Sections


  • Uses a section-column-widget hierarchy
  • Offers 30+ free widgets and 50+ pro widgets
  • Allows for nesting of sections for complex layouts
  • Provides a flexible column structure with custom widths


  • Uses a section-row-module structure
  • Offers 40+ content modules
  • Provides predefined column structures and custom options
  • Includes specialty sections for advanced layouts (e.g., fullwidth sections)

Widgets and Elements


  • Wide range of primary and advanced widgets
  • Third-party widget ecosystem for extended functionality
  • Global widgets for consistent use across the site
  • Custom CSS option for individual widgets


  • A comprehensive set of modules covering most design needs
  • Custom CSS options for individual modules
  • Ability to save and reuse custom modules
  • Dynamic content support in modules

Styling Options


  • Detailed styling controls for each widget
  • Global styling options for consistent design
  • Custom CSS classes and IDs for advanced styling
  • Responsive editing controls for each style option


  • Extensive styling options for each module
  • Global styles and presets for quick application
  • Custom CSS in the advanced tab of each module
  • Responsive styles with device-specific adjustments

Responsive Design Capabilities


  • Responsive mode with desktop, tablet, and mobile views
  • Device-specific display settings for each element
  • Custom breakpoints for fine-tuned responsiveness
  • Responsive reverse column ordering


  • Similar responsive editing with desktop, tablet, and phone views
  • Ability to adjust and disable elements per device
  • Custom gutter widths for different screen sizes
  • Responsive height control for sections

Template Libraries and Design Flexibility

Both Elementor and Divi offer extensive template libraries and design flexibility, providing users with a wide range of options to jumpstart their web design projects or create unique layouts from scratch.

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Elementor Templates

  • 300+ pre-designed templates and blocks in the free version
  • 200+ additional premium templates with Elementor Pro
  • Templates categorized by industry and page type
  • Blocks for specific sections like headers, footers, and CTAs
  • Regular updates with new templates added frequently
  • Option to save and reuse custom templates
  • Template kits for cohesive multi-page websites

Divi Templates

  • 1,600+ pre-made website layouts
  • 200+ website packs for complete site designs
  • Individual page layouts for specific industries and purposes
  • Wireframe layouts for quick structure setup
  • Cloud-based template system for easy access and updates
  • Option to save custom designs to the Divi Library
  • Regular addition of new layouts and design packs

Customization Options


  • Drag-and-drop editing for all template elements
  • Ability to mix and match different template blocks
  • Global widgets for consistent site-wide updates
  • Dynamic content replacement in templates
  • Custom CSS and HTML for advanced modifications


  • Visual drag-and-drop editing for all layout components
  • Ability to save custom designs as global items
  • Extensive module customization options
  • Split testing feature for optimizing designs
  • Advanced code editor for custom CSS and JavaScript

Theme Building Capabilities

Both Elementor and Divi offer powerful theme-building features, allowing users to create entire website structures without coding.

Elementor Theme Builder

  • Create custom headers, footers, archives, and single post templates
  • Conditional display rules for different pages or post types
  • Dynamic content integration for personalized layouts
  • WooCommerce builder for custom shop pages
  • Pop-up builder for marketing and engagement

Divi Theme Builder

  • Design custom templates for any part of the website
  • Conditional logic for template display
  • Theme builder portal for easy template management
  • WooCommerce integration for product page customization
  • Dynamic content support for personalized user experiences

Compatibility with Third-Party Themes


  • Works with most WordPress themes
  • Hello there is offered as a lightweight starter
  • Some themes provide deep Elementor integration


  • Functions as both a theme and a plugin
  • It can be used with other themes as a page-builder plugin
  • Some third-party themes are explicitly built for Divi

SEO Friendliness

Both Elementor and Divi are designed with SEO in mind, offering features to help optimize content for search engines.

Elementor SEO Features

– Clean, semantic HTML output

– Schema markup integration

– Customizable meta titles and descriptions

– Header and footer code insertion

– Mobile responsiveness for better rankings

– Integration with popular SEO plugins

Divi SEO Features

– SEO-optimized code structure

– Built-in schema markup options

– On-page SEO settings for individual pages

– Custom title and meta description fields

– Responsive design for mobile SEO

– Compatibility with major SEO plugins

Impact on Site Performance


– Generally lightweight, especially the free version

– Modular asset loading to reduce page size

– Can achieve high PageSpeed scores with optimization


– More feature-rich, which can impact initial load times

– Built-in performance options like minification and deferred loading

– Requires more attention to optimization for best performance

Addons and Integrations

Both Elementor and Divi offer extensive add-on ecosystems and third-party integrations to enhance functionality.

Elementor Plugin Ecosystem

– Large marketplace of third-party add-ons

– Official Elementor addons for specific functionalities

– Easy integration with popular WordPress plugins

– API for developers to create custom widgets

– Regular updates to core integrations

Divi Extensions

– Divi Marketplace for official and third-party extensions

– Divi Builder API for custom module development

– Built-in integrations with popular email marketing tools

– Social media integrations

– Regular addition of new official extensions

Third-Party Compatibility


– Wide compatibility with WordPress plugins

– Dedicated integrations with major form builders

– Works well with popular SEO and caching plugins

– Compatibility with most WordPress themes


– Strong compatibility with the WordPress ecosystem

– Integrations with popular e-commerce plugins

– Works seamlessly with primary marketing tools

– Can be used as a plugin with most WordPress themes

Pricing and Plans

Both Elementor and Divi offer different pricing structures to cater to various user needs.

Elementor Pricing Structure

– Free version available with basic features

– Essential: $49/year for 1 site

– Advanced: $99/year for 3 sites

– Expert: $199/year for 25 sites

– Agency: $999/year for 1000 sites

– All plans include updates and support for one year

Divi Pricing Options

– No free version available

– Yearly Access: $89/year for unlimited sites

– Lifetime Access: $249 one-time payment for unlimited sites

– Both options include access to all Elegant Themes products

– Includes lifetime updates and premium support

Free vs Premium Versions


– Free: Basic widgets, templates, and page-building features

– Premium: Pro widgets, theme builder, form builder, and more advanced features


– No free version

– All features included in paid plans

– Premium support and unlimited usage on all plans

Support and Community

Both Elementor and Divi offer robust support systems and active community resources.

Elementor Support Channels

– 24/7 ticket support for premium users

– Extensive documentation and knowledge base

– Video tutorials and webinars

– Active Facebook community group

– Regular blog updates with tips and tutorials

Divi Support Options

– 24/7 live chat support for all customers

– Comprehensive documentation and learning resources

– Video tutorials and live webinars

– Active Divi theme forum

– Regular product updates and feature releases

Community Resources


– Large and active GitHub repository

– Third-party tutorial websites and YouTube channels

– Elementor experts program

– Annual community events and meetups


– Extensive third-party tutorial websites

– Active Facebook community groups

– Divi Space marketplace for layouts and plugins

– Regular Divi-focused conferences and online events

Unique Features

Both Elementor and Divi offer unique features that set them apart from each other and other page builders.

Elementor’s Exclusive Tools

– Popup Builder: Create and design custom popups

– Motion Effects: Add parallax and mouse effects

– Theme Builder: Design entire theme layouts

– Form Builder: Create custom forms with advanced features

– WooCommerce Builder: Customize entire shop experiences

Divi’s Special Capabilities

– Wireframe Mode: Edit layouts in a simplified view

– Global Elements and Styles: Update site-wide design easily

– Role Editor: Control user access to various Divi features

– Custom CSS in Visual Builder: Add CSS directly to the visual interface

– Hover Options: Create complex hover effects visually

Built-in Split Testing (Divi)

– Integrated A/B testing tool

– Test different versions of modules, rows, or sections

– Automatic traffic distribution to variants

– Real-time statistics tracking

– Easy implementation of winning variants

Performance Optimization

Both Elementor and Divi sites can be optimized for better performance.

Speeding Up Elementor Sites

– Use Element or’s built-in asset optimization

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– Implement lazy loading for images and videos

– Utilize the Improved Asset Loading experiment

– Minimize the use of heavy widgets and animations

– Optimize images before uploading

Optimizing Divi Websites

– Enable Divi’s built-in performance options

– Use the Static CSS File Generation feature

– Implement Divi’s Critical CSS generation

– Minimize the use of custom fonts and icons

– Optimize Divi’s background images

Using Caching and Optimization Plugins

– Implement a caching plugin (e.g., WP Rocket, W3 Total Cache)

– Use image optimization plugins

– Enable GZIP compression

– Minify and combine CSS and JavaScript files

– Implement a Content Delivery Network (CDN)

Comparison with Other Page Builders

Both Elementor and Divi compete with other popular page builders and WordPress core features.

Elementor vs Gutenberg

– Elementor: More advanced design capabilities

– Gutenberg: Native WordPress editor, lighter weight

– Elementor: Extensive widget library

– Gutenberg: Simpler learning curve, continual improvements

– Both: Block-based editing, but Elementor offers more visual control

Divi vs Other Alternatives

– Divi vs Beaver Builder: Divi offers more built-in designs

– Divi vs. WPBakery: Divi has a more modern interface

– Divi vs Brizy: Divi provides a more comprehensive theme-building

– Divi generally offers more value with its lifetime plan option

Compatibility with WordPress Core


– Works alongside Gutenberg

– Regular updates to maintain core compatibility

– Adheres to WordPress coding standards


– Can be used with or without Gutenberg

– Frequent updates to ensure WordPress compatibility

– Integrates well with WordPress core functionalities

Pros and Cons

Both Elementor and Divi have their own sets of strengths and weaknesses.

Elementor Advantages and Disadvantages


– Intuitive user interface

– Extensive free version

– Large widget library

– Strong third-party ecosystem

– Regular updates and improvements


– Can slow down sites if overused

– Some advanced features only in the Pro version

– Learning curve for complex layouts

– Potential conflicts with some themes

Divi Strengths and Weaknesses


– Comprehensive all-in-one solution

– Lifetime pricing option

– Extensive pre-built layouts

– Built-in split testing feature

– Visual and backend editing options


– No free version available

– Steeper initial learning curve

– Can be resource-intensive

– Overuse of shortcodes in content

Use Cases and Recommendations

Different projects and user skill levels may benefit more from either Elementor or Divi.

Best Scenarios for Choosing Elementor

– Small to medium-sized websites

– Projects requiring frequent updates

– Sites needing custom post-type layouts

– Developers looking for extensibility

– Clients who need an easy-to-use interface

Ideal Projects for Divi

– Complete website redesigns

– E-commerce sites with custom product pages

– Projects requiring extensive A/B testing

– Agencies managing multiple client sites

– Sites needing complex, custom layouts

Considerations for Beginners vs Advanced Users


– Elementor: Easier learning curve, free version available

– Divi: More comprehensive tutorials, all-in-one solution

Advanced Users:

– Elementor: More developer-friendly, better for custom coding

– Divi: Powerful built-in features, excellent for rapid development

Future Outlook and Updates

Both Elementor and Divi continuously evolve to meet user needs and adapt to WordPress changes.

H3: Elementor’s Roadmap

– Focus on performance improvements

– Expanding Elementor Cloud Website service

– Enhanced theme-building capabilities

– More integrations with third-party services

– Continued emphasis on responsiveness and accessibility

Divi’s Planned Improvements

– Ongoing UI/UX refinements

– Expansion of the Divi marketplace

– Enhanced WooCommerce integration

– Improved performance optimization features

– More advanced dynamic content capabilities

Adapting to WordPress Changes


– Ongoing Gutenberg compatibility improvements

– Adapting to Full Site Editing features

– Focus on Core Web Vitals optimization


– Integration with WordPress block editor

– Adapting to upcoming WordPress features

– Emphasis on headless WordPress compatibility

Additional Key Differences Between Elementor and Divi

Mobile Responsiveness 

Elementor: Offers intuitive, responsive editing with device-specific controls and a responsive mode preview. 

Divi: Provides responsive editing options with the ability to customize designs for different device sizes.

WooCommerce Integration 

Elementor: Features a dedicated WooCommerce Builder for customizing shop pages, product templates, and cart/checkout processes. 

Divi: Offers built-in WooCommerce modules and the ability to create custom product page layouts.

Dynamic Content Capabilities 

Elementor: Supports dynamic content through its Dynamic Tags feature, allowing for personalized and database-driven content. 

Divi: Provides dynamic content options through its Dynamic Content feature, enabling the use of custom fields and other data sources.

Multilingual Support 

Elementor: Compatible with popular translation plugins like WPML and Polylang, with some built-in language switching options. 

Divi: Works well with major translation plugins and includes built-in right-to-left (RTL) language support.

Role Management 

Elementor: Offers role manager in Elementor Pro, allowing admins to control which user roles can access different Elementor features. 

Divi: Includes a built-in role editor, enabling granular control over user permissions for various Divi features.

Custom CSS and JavaScript 

Elementor: Allows custom CSS at the page, widget, and global levels. Custom JavaScript can be added through theme hooks. 

Divi: Provides options for custom CSS and JavaScript at the module, row, section, and page levels directly within the builder interface.

Animation and Effects 

Elementor: Offers a range of built-in animations and entrance effects, plus advanced motion effects in the Pro version. 

Divi: Includes various animation options for modules and elements, with the ability to create custom hover effects.

Form Building Capabilities 

Elementor: Features a built-in form widget in the Pro version with various field types and third-party integrations. 

Divi: Includes a contact form module with essential fields and the ability to integrate with email marketing services.

Revision History and Backup 

Elementor: Maintains a revision history, allowing users to revert to previous versions of their designs. 

Divi: Offers a comprehensive revision history system and the ability to save and load layouts from the Divi Library.

Global Widgets/Modules 

Elementor: Allows creation of Global Widgets that can be reused and updated across the site simultaneously. 

Divi: Offers Global Modules and Presets, enabling consistent design elements throughout the website.

Conclusion: Which Page Builder to Choose?

The choice between Elementor and Divi depends on specific project needs and user preferences.

– Elementor: More intuitive, extensive free version, widget-based

– Divi: All-in-one solution, lifetime pricing, comprehensive layouts

– Both offer strong design capabilities and performance optimization

– Elementor excels in ease of use, and Divi in built-in features

– Both have active communities and regular updates

Final Recommendations

Choose Elementor for

• Beginners or those preferring a more straightforward interface

• Projects needing a free option

• Developers seeking extensive customization

Choose Divi for

• All-in-one website-building solution

• Users comfortable with a steeper learning curve

• Projects requiring built-in A/B testing

• Those preferring a lifetime pricing option

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