Do These Imagify Compression Settings for Lightning-Fast Websites

Master Imagify Compression Settings

In today’s digital landscape, website speed is paramount. One of the most effective ways to boost your site’s performance is through image optimization.

Enter Imagify, a powerful tool that can dramatically reduce image file sizes without sacrificing quality. But with great power comes great responsibility – and a need for understanding.

Let’s dive into the best Imagify compression settings to supercharge your website’s speed and user experience.


As website owners and developers, we’re constantly seeking ways to improve our site’s performance. Images often account for a significant portion of a webpage’s weight, making them a prime target for optimization.

Imagify stands out as a top-tier solution, but like any powerful tool, its effectiveness hinges on proper configuration. In this guide, we’ll explore the optimal Imagify compression settings to ensure your website not only looks stunning but also loads at breakneck speeds.

Buy Imagify Pro

Imagify Pro helps you compress your images without losing anything like your image quality.

We offer lifetime support and 24/7 assistance.

Understanding Imagify Compression Levels

Imagify offers three main compression levels: Normal, Aggressive, and Ultra. Each level strikes a different balance between file size reduction and image quality preservation. Let’s break them down:

Normal Compression:

  • Reduces file size by 70-80% on average
  • Minimal impact on image quality
  • Ideal for photography websites or when image detail is crucial

Aggressive Compression:

  • Reduces file size by 80-90% on average
  • A slight reduction in image quality, often imperceptible to the casual viewer
  • Great for most websites, balancing performance and visual appeal

Ultra Compression:

  • Reduces file size by up to 95%
  • Noticeable reduction in image quality
  • Best for websites where speed is the top priority, and slight image degradation is acceptable

Choosing the Right Imagify Compression Settings

The “best” Imagify Compression Settings depends on your specific needs. Consider the following factors:

  • Website Type: E-commerce sites might prefer Normal or Aggressive compression to maintain product image quality, while news blogs could opt for Ultra compression for faster loading times.
  • Target Audience: If your audience primarily uses mobile devices or has slower internet connections, leaning towards higher compression levels can significantly improve their experience.
  • Image Content: Photographs with subtle color gradients might benefit from Normal compression, while simpler graphics or icons can withstand Ultra compression without noticeable quality loss.
  • SEO Considerations: While faster loading times can boost SEO, it’s crucial to maintain image quality for visual search engines. Striking a balance is key.

To make an informed decision, we recommend testing different compression levels on a staging site and comparing the results. You might even use different levels for different image types or sections of your website.

Advanced Imagify Settings for Optimal Performance

Beyond compression levels, Imagify offers several advanced settings to fine-tune your optimization strategy:

  • WebP Conversion: WebP is a modern image format that offers superior compression and quality characteristics compared to traditional formats like JPEG and PNG. Enabling WebP conversion in Imagify can further reduce file sizes by up to 25-35% compared to the already optimized images. Pro Tip: Ensure your server is configured to serve WebP images and implement proper fallbacks for browsers that don’t support WebP.
  • Resize Larger Images: Imagify can automatically resize images that exceed a specified dimension. This is particularly useful for user-uploaded content or when working with a team that might not always follow image size guidelines. Recommendation: Set a maximum width that aligns with your website’s layout, typically between 1500-2000 pixels for full-width images.
  • Preserve EXIF Data: EXIF data contains information about the image, such as camera settings and copyright information. While stripping this data can reduce file size further, preserving it might be necessary for photography websites or legal reasons.
  • Optimization on Upload: Enabling this feature ensures that all newly uploaded images are automatically optimized, maintaining consistent performance as your website grows.
  • Backup Original Images: While not directly impacting performance, this setting allows you to revert to original images if needed. It’s a safety net that can provide peace of mind, especially when experimenting with different compression levels.
  • For social media, the number of images is not important. The thing is that you should use high-quality images.
  • Imagify does the real-time compression of a PNG image.

Best Imagify compression settings for e-commerce

For e-commerce websites, image quality is crucial as it directly impacts sales. The best Imagify compression settings for e-commerce strike a balance between file size reduction and visual appeal. 

Generally, using the “Aggressive” compression level works well, as it significantly reduces file sizes while maintaining good image quality. 

However, for product close-ups or detailed shots, consider using the “Normal” compression level. 

Additionally, enables WebP conversion to further optimize images for modern browsers.

Remember to test different settings on various product images to find the optimal configuration that maintains image quality while improving load times, ultimately enhancing the shopping experience and potentially boosting conversion rates.

Optimizing images for mobile-first websites with Imagify

Mobile-first websites demand a specialized approach to image optimization, and Imagify offers excellent tools for this purpose.

Start by enabling the “Resize larger images” option, setting a maximum width that aligns with common mobile screen sizes (e.g., 1080px). Opt for the “Aggressive” or even “Ultra” compression levels, as mobile users often access sites on slower connections.

Enable WebP conversion to serve smaller, more efficient image formats to compatible devices.

Consider using Imagify’s API to create multiple image sizes, allowing you to serve appropriately sized images for different devices.

By fine-tuning these settings, you’ll ensure your mobile site loads quickly and efficiently, improving user experience and potentially boosting your search engine rankings for mobile searches.

Balancing image quality and file size using Imagify

Finding the perfect balance between image quality and file size is an art that Imagify helps master. Start by assessing your website’s needs – do you prioritize visual fidelity or loading speed?

For visually-driven sites like portfolios or luxury brands, lean towards the “Normal” compression setting to preserve detail.

For content-heavy sites where images complement text, “Aggressive” compression usually suffices.

Experiment with different settings on various image types (e.g., photographs, graphics, logos) to find the sweet spot. Utilize Imagify’s bulk optimization feature to apply your chosen settings across your media library, then spot-check and adjust as needed.

Remember, the goal is to reduce file sizes enough to improve loading times without compromising the visual impact that keeps visitors engaged.

Imagify WebP conversion for faster loading times

Imagify’s WebP conversion feature is a game-changer for website speed optimization.

WebP is a modern image format developed by Google that offers superior compression and quality characteristics compared to traditional formats like JPEG and PNG.

By enabling WebP conversion in Imagify, you can reduce file sizes by an additional 25-35% compared to already optimized images, without a noticeable loss in quality.

Imagify automatically creates WebP versions of your images and serves them to compatible browsers, while falling back to original formats for older browsers.

This ensures faster loading times for most users without sacrificing compatibility. To maximize the benefits, combine WebP conversion with Imagify’s compression settings and consider implementing lazy loading for images below the fold.

Advanced Imagify settings for professional photographers

Professional photographers require a nuanced approach to image optimization, balancing the need for high-quality visuals with website performance. Imagify offers several advanced settings tailored for this purpose.

Start by using the “Normal” compression level to preserve image details and color accuracy.

Enable the “Preserve EXIF data” option to maintain important metadata like camera settings and copyright information.

Utilize the “Resize larger images” feature judiciously, setting a high maximum width (e.g., 2500px) to accommodate large displays while preventing excessively large file uploads.

Consider creating multiple image sizes for different contexts (thumbnails, full-size views) using Imagify’s API. Lastly, always keep the “Backup original images” option enabled, allowing you to revert to uncompressed originals if needed for client requests or future editing.

how faster loading times from image Optimization can improve website ranking

Image optimization through tools like Imagify plays a crucial role in improving website loading times, which significantly impacts search engine rankings.

Faster-loading pages enhance user experience, reduce bounce rates, and increase time on site – all positive signals for search engines. With Google’s mobile-first indexing and Core Web Vitals metrics, optimized images contribute directly to better mobile performance and improved SEO metrics.

Moreover, faster-loading images allow search engine bots to crawl more content efficiently, potentially leading to better indexing.

By compressing images without sacrificing quality, converting to efficient formats like WebP, and ensuring appropriate sizing, websites can gain a competitive edge in search rankings while providing a superior user experience.

This optimization strategy not only boosts SEO but also enhances overall site performance and user satisfaction.

Integrating Imagify with Your Website Builder

If you’re using a popular page builder like Elementor, integrating Imagify is straightforward. Here are some resources to help you get started:

These guides will help you leverage Imagify alongside your chosen website builder for optimal results.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

Even with the best settings, you might encounter occasional issues. Here are some common problems and their solutions:

  1. Imagify not working: If you’re experiencing issues, check out our guide on fixing server error 500 in Elementor, which covers general troubleshooting steps applicable to various plugins.
  2. Unable to optimize images: This could be due to server configurations. Refer to our article on Elementor isn’t running because PHP is outdated for insights on server-related issues.
  3. Dragging and dropping issues: While not directly related to Imagify, if you’re having trouble with your page builder interface, our guide on fixing unable to drag and drop widgets in Elementor might be helpful.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Will Imagify compression affect my image quality?

A: The impact on image quality depends on the compression level chosen. Normal compression has minimal impact, while Ultra compression may noticeably reduce quality but significantly decrease file size.

Q: Can I use Imagify with my existing images?

A: Yes, Imagify can optimize both new uploads and existing images in your media library.

Q: How does Imagify compare to other image optimization plugins?

A: Imagify consistently ranks among the top image optimization solutions, offering a good balance of features, ease of use, and performance. For a detailed comparison, check out this Elementor vs Divi comparison, which touches on various aspects of website building, including image optimization.

Q: Is Imagify compatible with e-commerce platforms?

A: Absolutely! Imagify works well with popular e-commerce platforms. For instance, if you’re using WooCommerce with Elementor, you might find this guide on building a website using Elementor.

Q: Can Imagify help improve my website’s SEO?

A: Yes, by reducing image file sizes and improving load times, Imagify can positively impact your SEO. For more insights on this topic, explore our article on the importance of website speed and SEO.


Optimizing your Imagify compression settings is a crucial step towards a faster, more efficient website.

By understanding the different compression levels and advanced settings, you can tailor Imagify’s performance to your specific needs.

Remember, the best settings are those that balance image quality with loading speed, enhancing both user experience and SEO.

As you implement these optimizations, keep in mind that website performance is an ongoing process. Regularly review your settings and image optimization strategy to ensure you’re always delivering the best possible experience to your visitors.

For more insights on website optimization and building, don’t forget to check out our other resources, such as Elementor: The Magic Page Builder in 2024 and Best Lightweight Page Builder Plugin.

By mastering Imagify’s settings, you’re not just optimizing images; you’re paving the way for a faster, more efficient, and more successful online presence. 

So go ahead, implement these best practices, and watch your website soar to new heights of performance!

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